How To Prepare For Spring Pests In Montgomery County

brown rat drinking water

The arrival of spring is a time of year that many people look forward to. Winter can feel long and dreary, but spring means it’s time to go outside again and have a fresh outlook on life. However, springtime also means one thing that many people hate dealing with: pests.

While some pests in Montgomery County are active in the winter or throughout the year, many become more noticeable and widespread during the summer. This is a time when many pests start to reproduce, so that you might see an influx of pests inside of your home and around your property. Luckily, the professionals at M.A.D. Exterminators, Inc. are here to help you deal with spring pests. Find out more about pest control in Montgomery County and how to keep pests away.

Active Spring Pests In Montgomery County

While there is a long list of pests you might find around your Montgomery County home once the weather warms up, some of the most common are spiders, stinging insects, ants, beetles, and rodents.

Here is some information about each of these spring pests:

  • Spiders: While spiders will often overwinter inside homes, they will become more active in the spring, so you might start to see more around.
  • Stinging Insects: Bees and wasps will start to emerge in the spring and throughout the summer as they pollinate plants. 
  • Ants: Many ant species can come around during the springtime, from nuisance varieties such as pavement ants to destructive types such as carpenter ants.
  • Beetles: Like spiders, beetles will sometimes overwinter inside homes during the winter. However, you’ll notice them become active in the spring. They will often invade in large numbers.
  • Rodents: Mice and rats are active throughout the year, but they should never be ignored as they are some of the most common pests and dangerous.

Are Spring Pests Dangerous?

While some of the pests in Montgomery County active in the springtime are just a nuisance, many do pose some health risks. The main nuisance varieties are beetles, some ants, and most common spiders. But, the rest of these pests can be dangerous to some extent.

Here are the specific things you need to worry about:

  • Black widow spiders and brown recluse spiders have potent enough venom to harm people.
  • Rodents can transmit illnesses such as hantavirus and salmonellosis.
  • Certain ants can sting and inject venom, such as the fire ant.
  • Wasps and bees can also sting and lead to allergic reactions.

How To Prevent Spring Pests From Invading Your Home

The best and simplest way to protect your home from spring pests is with assistance from the pest control professionals at M.A.D. Exterminators, Inc. Our services provide comprehensive pest control for spring and year-round pests. However, there are also a few steps you can take on your own to keep these pests at bay. 

Mainly, you should focus on general pest prevention tips such as keeping kitchens clean, taking the trash out often, sealing up your home by fixing broken screens, and removing moisture problems by fixing leaky faucets and pipes.

The Benefits Of A Home Pest Control Plan

If you have noticed pests becoming more active, contact our pest control experts today. Instead of dealing with pest problems as they come up, the team at M.A.D. Exterminators, Inc. will eradicate any existing issues and prevent pests in the future.

To get started on our residential or commercial pest control services in Montgomery County, just give us a call to request a quote.
