7 Quick Tips To Prepare Your Delaware County Home For Tick Season

a deer tick crawling on a blade of grass

Despite what many people assume ticks are not really insects, but rather arachnids. While ticks may be small, often even too tiny to see, the dangers they carry are often every bit as terrifying as the creepiest spider or deadliest scorpion. Most people are aware that ticks spread Lyme disease, however, in recent years a host of other tick-borne diseases have become more prevalent. According to the CDC, for the past ten years the top five reported tick-borne diseases are Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, and babesiosis.

Read Our Tips For Dealing With Ticks

While tick bites are possible at any time of year, they are most prevalent in the summer. This year more than most is predicted to have an extremely heavy tick season in many parts of the country and Delaware is no exception. This puts all of us at higher risk for Lyme disease and other tick-borne illnesses. The mild winter has ticks thriving and emerging earlier than usual.

Tip #1 Dress For Danger

The first step in avoiding danger from tick bites is dressing appropriately. Wear long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and closed-toed shoes when going outside. Wearing light-colored clothes will help make ticks and other insects easier to spot and remove.

Tip #2 Make Use Of Repellents

When heading outdoors, make sure to wear a bug spray containing at least 20% DEET and reapply as directed. Use permethrin on clothing and camping equipment.

Tip #3 Watch Where You Walk

Unlike most outdoor pests, ticks are unable to fly or jump. They wait in tall grass and attach to people and animals that brush past them. When possible stay out of deep grass and bushes and keep to the center of trails, away from vegetation. Avoiding direct contact with tick habitats will limit your exposure.

Tip #4 Landscaping Goes A Long Ways

To lower tick populations in your immediate area think about how you maintain your yard. Keeping grass cut low and removing weeds, woodpiles, and debris will significantly lessen your yard’s appeal to ticks. Creating borders of wood chips, gravel, or mulch between grassy edges and tick prone zones will deter movement onto your property. Also, consider the presence of wildlife. Other animals can be hosts to ticks and provide them with a one-way ticket to your home.

Tip #5 Tick Checks Are Critical

It’s essential to check for ticks after all outdoor activities. (Remember also to check children and pets as well.) Ticks feed for long periods of time and often remain attached for days if not removed. It often takes up to 24-48 hours for infections like Lyme disease to be transmitted so early detection is key.

Tip #6 Learn How To Safely Remove A Tick

If you, or your pet, spends any amount of time outside in wooded areas, you’ll need to know how to remove a tick when you find one. There are countless myths about this process, like using oil or heat to kill the tick. The best and safest way to remove a tick is to use fine-tipped tweezers and hold the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible pulling upward with even pressure. The goal is to prevent causing part of the tick to break off under the skin, or squeezing the tick and spreading its infected blood into the wound.

Tip #7 Know When To Get Help

If you suspect you or a family member has been bitten by a tick, do not delay in seeking medical attention. Learn the symptoms of tick-borne disease in your area and consult your doctor if you think you may be suffering from a tick-borne illness.
For more advice or assistance with ticks, contact the professionals at M.A.D. Exterminators. We can provide you with a free inspection and fast, reliable treatments. Our personalized approach to pest control will take ticks, as well as the other pests that may be delivering them to your doorstep. Call today to experience our friendly customer service and unbeatable services.
