What To Do If Bitten By A Tick In Delaware County, PA

a deer tick crawling on a leaf

There are plenty of pests that cause trouble for people in Delaware County, PA. However, one pest stands out above the rest. This pest is none other than the tick. Ticks are extremely small arachnids that feed on blood. Even worse, they're not picky about where they get their blood, which is why they can be found on your pets and even yourself.

It's bad enough they desire to gorge themselves on our blood, but the real problem comes from the after-effects a tick bite causes for those bitten. While it's not a guarantee to suffer these effects with every bite, the risk just isn't worth taking.

Depending on the species of tick, you can suffer from a variety of ailments including but not limited to STARI (southern tick-associated rash illness), Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. 

What To Do If Bitten

As a rule, ticks stay latched on once they've officially bitten you. The bite itself is unnoticeable, which is why the first sign of a bite is usually seeing the tick somewhere on your body. Ticks like warm and moist locations so the most likely locations on your body to check are the armpit, groin, in your hair, and other locations on your body.

We've put together a procedure on how to handle a tick on your body safely. Improper handling of the tick or your bite can result in complications. The steps are as follows:

  • Remove The Tick: If you're lucky enough to find the tick before it's actually bitten you, then just pick it up with tweezers or gloved hands. If the tick has bitten you, then use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Aim to grab its head and pull with even and steady pressure to avoid leaving the head or its mouthparts in your skin.
  • Clean The Bite Location: Use soap and water, rubbing alcohol, or an iodine scrub to disinfect the bite site.
    Disposal And Containment: Ideally, you would flush the tick down the toilet or wrap it tightly in tape before throwing it in the trash.
  • Identify The Tick: Different species of ticks are associated with different diseases. If the tick was latched onto you, it's a good idea to take the time to identify the tick type, so you know what symptoms to look out for just in case.
  • Bite Observation: Pay attention to signs like a localized rash, redness, or swelling of the bite location. A rash or other signs of infection will usually result in antibiotics being prescribed.
  • Need A Doctor?: If you’re experiencing fever or chills, aches, and pains, or a rash near the bite location, it’s time to see a doctor. Don't delay. The sooner you begin treatment, the more likely you are to fully recover.

Due to the risks associated with ticks, the best way to remain protected today, tomorrow, and far into the future is to work with trained experts in tick control.

Have No Fear With M.A.D. Exterminators Inc.

Ticks are bad news for everyone and they can attach to any living creature, so it's never a good idea to assume you're safe. With the proper precautions and the help of our team at M.A.D. Exterminators Inc., you and your loved ones don't have to worry about a tick infestation on your property.

Do you suspect a tick problem? Then give our team at M.A.D. Exterminators Inc. a call to speak with one of our agents about our professional pest prevention services or fill out our online form to schedule your free quote.
