What Every Delaware County Property Owner Ought To Know About Rats

a roof rat in an attic

Scientifically speaking, rats are commensal. That means they benefit from humans but give us nothing in return. They eat our food. They share our homes and buildings. But do they truly give nothing in return? Well, they do give us something. Rats can carry many diseases that can harm your family. That’s why it’s important to eliminate your Delaware County rat problem before it gets out of control.

All You Ever Wanted To Know About Rats

Rats are mammals and a member of the order Rodentia, and they can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They reproduce very quickly. Rats’ gestation period is 20-23 days. Each litter can include 4-12 babies, and those babies grow fast. They can have baby rats of their own in just 12 short weeks!
Like their mouse cousins, rats' front teeth never stop growing. To keep these teeth in check, rats gnaw on anything in their path. They’re quite good at it. Rats can chew through just about anything, including wood and some metals.  
Rats' sizes and colors vary among species. Norway rats are large, around 9.5 inches in length with a long tail that adds to their overall size. They’re dark gray or brown in color with shaggy fur. Roof rats are smaller at around 8 inches in length and can be dark brown or black. As their name implies, roof rats are good climbers. Both varieties have lighter colored fur on their underbellies.
A rat's primary goal in life is to reproduce and eat. That’s what brings them inside your home. They’re looking for a safe place to nest and an adequate food supply. But you definitely don’t want rats inside your Delaware County home. Read on to learn why rats pose a danger to you and your family.

Why Are Rats Dangerous To Humans?

Rats and rodents carry about 35 diseases that can be harmful to humans. These include lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM), Hantavirus, dysentery, leptospirosis, and salmonellosis. When they nibble on your food or come into contact with the surfaces in your home, they can spread the pathogens that cause these diseases. Rats can also share their fleas, mites, and ticks with you and your pets.
Excrement and urine are big concerns, too. These substances trigger allergy and asthma attacks for some people. So if you have a rat infestation in Delaware County, chances are good there’s a significant amount of rat droppings behind the walls of your house. Left unattended, this can create a significant health concern for your family.
Rats can create another type of danger that you may not have considered. While they are busy chewing on everything in sight, they can chew on electrical wires, gas lines, and water pipes. Not only is this destructive and costly to repair, but it can lead to electrical fires and water line breaks. That’s why effective pest control is so important to prevent rat problems.

Rat Prevention And Control

Rats are stealthy and they can fit through even the smallest openings in your home or office building. Taking steps to prevent rats from entering your home in the first place is the best way to avoid a problem.

  • Store your garbage in a container with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Keep brush and bushes trimmed and well-kept.
  • Use glass or plastic containers to store shelf-stable pantry items like flour, pasta, and cereal.
  • Fill potential entry points with caulk, steel wool, or concrete.

Proven Pest Control From M.A.D. Exterminators

The best antidote to rats in Delaware County is professional pest control. Let us stop the problem before it gets out of hand. We have the experience and expertise to eradicate rat infestations and keep them from returning. Call M.A.D. Exterminators today to schedule rat elimination services!
